The word of the day is: "accommodation"

Now remember kids, today's word is "accomodate". As in what Congress is supposed to do for President Bush. Go to Team Dubya's response to a bunch of mean Democrats and you'll see this term and "accommodate" used repeatedly.

With respect, it is with much regret that we are forced down this unfortunate path which we sought to avoid by finding grounds for mutual accommodation....

It was his intent that Congress receives information in a manner that accommodated Presidential prerogatives....

As a result, your Committees have received an extraordinary amount of information regarding the U.S. Attorney replacement issue by way of accommodation....

In keeping with the established tradition of Congress and the Executive Branch working together to accommodate each others' interests, the President was willing to go even further in response to your inquiries....

The President's offer reflected his desire to cooperate and accommodate....

Issuing subpoenas and seeking to compel the disclosure of information in lieu of accepting the President's reasonable offer of accommodation has led to confrontation.

Hey, guys. Why not just say, "Subpoenas, schupoenas"?


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