Repeat after me: Bon Jovi tribute band...

It was a matter of time, wasn't it. Kiss tribute bands are everywhere. The same is true of Beatles tributes. Slap on a wig, thrown on a suit, and you've got a Beatles tribute band. (Why don't Beatles tribute bands ever perform in the Sergeant Pepper band uniforms? This I've always wondered.) We don't need a Doors tribute band, as Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger have beaten them at their own game, hiring Ian Astbury and touring as--ahem--the Twenty-First Century Doors. At some point, you run out of '60s and '70s bands and have to move forward. Hence, the Journey and Bon Jovi tributes.

Journey and Bon Jovi. Can you imagine playing in one of those tribute bands? This is sad. Couldn't they pick some bands deserving of a tribute?

PS: Guess who else performed at the same club as Bad Medicine and Evolution? Lucy Lawless. That gig has come and gone, alas.


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