Why insane stage moms suck

While Lindsay Lohan is off on an extended vacation in rehab at Promises, her vile mom, Dina Lohan, has other little Lohans in the wings to groom for stardom. This gives new meaning to the terms "greedy" and "shameless."

DINA Lohan is about to get what she always wanted: her own TV show.

Dina - who has ridden the coattails of her eldest daughter, Lindsay, for years trying to become famous - is in talks to do a reality show with E! tentatively titled "Mom-ager," in which she'll try to turn her youngest children, Ali, 14, and Cody, 11, into stars.

An insider fumed, "Can you believe that? She totally messed up Lindsay by making her a 'star' and living vicariously through her - and now she's going to do the same to the other two? How the [bleep] can E! do this? Those kids should be in school having normal lives, the life that Lindsay didn't get to have."

Dina, who refers to herself as "the white Oprah," has been trying for more than a year to get an on-air TV job. She most recently appeared on "Entertainment Tonight" to give the show "exclusives" with troubled Lindsay - once when she was in the Wonderland rehab center and the other time at the "Georgia Rule" premiere.

Dina failed to return our calls and e-mails, and so did reps for E! and Lindsay.

I propose a new law: The Stage Parents Prevention Act. Any parent of a child performer has to be evaluated by a shrink before the child can work. That way, perhaps we can weed out psychos like Joe Jackson, Lynne Spears, and Dina Lohan.

"White Oprah." Ms. Winfrey should have a few words with Mrs. Lohan.


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