You mean they're SUPPOSED to be funny?

Blue Herald's Right Wing Cartoon Watch does for wingnut toonsmiths what assorted media watchdog groups do for Faux News. Here, you'll find Cox and Forkum, Eric Allie, and other far-right editorial cartoonists scrutinized. And once again, it becomes clear why the nutcase right wing can't do funny. As Blue Herald's Batocchio notes:

Comedians, artists and certainly political cartoonists tend to possess an anti-authoritarian, skeptical, irreverent streak. This makes the staunchly conservative cartoonist an especially odd bird. Flipping the traditional journalist ethos of comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable, rightwing cartoonists tend to ridicule the disenfranchised and excuse the abuses inflicted by the powerful. In some cases, their pieces literally spout the latest GOP talking points, revealing the cartoonists to be not independent voices, but merely members of the vast GOP echo chamber — not wits or critics as much they are hacks and shills.

Alas, there's no Mallard Fillmore. Then again, dissecting that strip's assorted confabulations, straw man arguments, crappy drawings, and disturbing lack of humor is like using a sledgehammer to break apart a pinata. And it would simply use up time better spent taking apart Eric Allie's work.


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