Bring. Back. The Deadline. For Withdrawal.

I am, to say the least, very, very, VERY disappointed that the Congressional Democrats dropped their demands for a pullout date in the Iraq war funding bill. Guys? You do NOT blink like this. There is way, WAY too much at stake. You hold the Preznit's feet to the fire and insist that if he wants his funding, he'll have to agree that we need to wind down the war. You do NOT give any appearance whatsoever of backing down or losing to anyone. No. I don't care if this funding only extends until September. I don't care if that's when the real showdown's going to start in Congress. We need a withdrawal date. Period!

The majority of Americans wants to leave Iraq. It's only a handful of neocons, chickenhawks, Kool-Aid drinkers, and paid shills who want it to continue. Olbermann's going to have one of those Special Comments about all this. I want him to be ripping the Republicans, not the Democrats. Dig?

La Hill has called on the Pentagon to come up with a withdrawal plan. Maybe she should take a stronger stand and promise to withdraw troops if elected. Pshyeah. That's gonna happen.

Pelosi has stated that she might vote against the new funding bill. I just called my own congresswoman, Carolyn Maloney, and was happy to hear that she plans to vote against it. Meteor Blades, meanwhile, claims that at least 100 Democratic Representatives plan to vote against the bill. It deserves to die a well-deserved death. Shame on anyone who thinks this bill with its "benchmarks" is a good idea.

Vote it down. Now.


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