Liveblogging the GOP presidential debate: Part II

McCain, thankfully, is not singing "Bomb bomb bomb Iran" tonight. And Rudy acknowledges that bombing Iran would be a bad idea.

Gilmore's being asked about Osama bin Laden. Unlike Mitt Romney, Gilmore believes we need to catch the guy. Once again, Mitt has flip-flopped. He thinks it's important to catch bin Laden after all! And now there's the straw man: he accuses Dems of believing the war on terror is all about one person. No one said that, Mitt.

McCain says he'll "follow [bin Laden] to the gates of Hell."

Romney is such a vapid individual. Yup, he's a shoo-in for the nomination.

Oh boy. Someone from NYC asked Giuliani whether he regretted his dealings with African-Americans when he was mayor. He says he tries to treat everyone the same. Psssh. Right.

It's a global warming question! Huckabee doesn't even say if he believes it exists. But he does say he believes in leaving the world in better shape than we found it.

Duncan says he considers himself a "compassionate conservative like President Bush." I suspect this is a joke question. Anyway, now Duncan's changed the subject to Iran.

Ron Paul says he'd work to phase out the IRS. Yes, he sounds like a true hardcore libertarian.


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