"We"? Who the heck is "we"?

Yup. The Yellow Elephants are getting desperate. Now, a handful of rightie bloggers have adopted the new GOP tactic of invoking Saint Ronnie in their drive to prolong Situation FUBAR for as long as possible. Beyond that, there's more of the same in their rage at Nancy Pelosi. Blathering about surrender and jihadists and all that. Blah blah blah. And of course, the usual lip service:

I stand with our troops. I stand for victory. I support the President's veto and will urge my representatives to vote to sustain it.

Signatories to this thing include assorted twenty- and thirty-something Young Republican bloggers like Ben Domenech (RedState) and Patrick Ruffini (GOP strategist). Funny, I'm sure some of them are the right age to enlist. If they truly stand with the troops and victory and Situation FUBAR, what are they doing setting up online petitions and boring people to tears with shopworn rhetoric? Why don't they just go to the recruiting office? I'm sure that if more 35 percenters joined the military, there'd be a greater chance for victory...right? What are Domenech and Ruffini and their fellow young conservatives so afraid of?

And besides, don't they know that the government has been treating the troops like crap? Why don't they send Bush a petition about that? Answer: it's easier and safer to cling to an illusion of Bush as Dear Leader and war critics as teh Ev1L Dummocraps than to face the truth. Like the Bush reign of error itself, it's all about fantasies and illusions, not reality.

They should drop the whole "we" part of "We win." They're not part of any global war on terror. They're bystanders. They shout "rah rah rah!" and pretend they're doing something special for their country. They have no idea what they're talking about.

One good thing about this petition. At least Domenech and Ruffini haven't dubbed themselves "Aragorn voters."


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