Liveblogging the GOP presidential debate: Part IV

To coin an antiquated term, the GOP hopefuls sound like a broken record. "Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan." "Reagan" is to the GOP candidates what "I don't remember" is to Alberto Gonzales.

Ha! Huckabee thinks it's "too early" to grade Bushco on Situation FUBAR. It's been four years, dude. Get with the program.

Ron Paul has to be twiddling his thumbs right now, wondering when anyone will ask him anything.

Giuliani is trying to position himself as a not-so-pro-choice candidate. Now, he says "you have to respect the woman's right to make that choice."

Tancredo keeps beating the "illegal immigration" drum.

Duncan Hunter gives lip service to alternative energy but doesn't really answer a question on "An Inconvenient Truth."

Ron Paul is asked about critical decisions he's made. As a doctor, "I made a lot of critical decisions." He once again speaks out on Situation FUBAR. He must be so frustrated.

Here comes the stem cell question! Romney favors it. Brownback is against embryonic stem cell research, saying adult stem cells work. Bushite response. Well, everyone's against cloning and embryo farming. Thompson says he can't really answer the question. McCain supports it. Paul says it's not covered under the Constitution. Giuliani supports it as long as no cloning is involved. Tancredo is against federal funding.

Romney loves Massachusett's healthcare plan, even though conservatives hate it. He utters more blah blah blah on the market. The market can't handle healthcare, dude.

McCain believes in making Bush's tax cuts permanent. He says the government should cut spending, even if we are in Iraq. Senator, what color is the sky in your world?

GOP and taxes are like oil and water, so you can bet most of these guys have no clue on how to fix the tax code in the US. Okay, let's just ask Ron Paul so we can hear him say that the IRS needs to be dumped. Then we can go on to the next subject.


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