Liveblogging the GOP presidential debate: Part I

Nice. Chris Matthews is singing the praises of the Reagan Library. And Nancy Reagan is hosting. I suspect she'll be interested in what these guys have to say about stem cell research.

Gah. The library is one ugly building. Bleh. And of course, judging from the background music, you'd think it was the Oscars.

Okay, Tweety. Try to avoid fawning over these guys, willya?

8 PM. Rudy says we should "get back to optimism." Of course, Rudy is the epitome of optimistic spirit. Except not. Rudy, you didn't govern via optimism. You governed the city by being a hardass.

Oh goody. McCain on Situation FUBAR. He needs the support of the American people, or so he says. That's a tall order, dude. And he's pretending to speak for the troops. And he's spouting the same lame talking points Bush is. Gee, dude, maybe you can explain what you'd do different. *chirping crickets*

Well, Thompson has suggested that Iraqis be allowed to vote on whether American troops should stay. Uh, Tom? I don't think we need a vote to determine their opinion.

This is sad. We're on Duncan Hunter, and he's isn't saying anything new, either. Romney, meanwhile, has revealed himself to be just an empty suit. Which, I'm sure, endears him to GOP power brokers. And Brownback talks about "moderate Muslim regimes" who work with the US. These regimes include dictatorships like Egypt and Pakistan, dude.

With any of these guys in the Oval Office, you could probably expect to see the US in Iraq until 2020.

Huckabee, at least, says he would've sacked Rummy before the election. Does he mean September 2006 or, uh, some time in 2004? At least he recognizes that Situation FUBAR is, well, FUBAR. Jim Gilmore at least has sense. Too bad he'll never get the nomination.

Well, here comes Ron Paul, the libertarian, talking about a noninterventionist foreign policy. He's the only one among the 10 hopefuls to be against the Iraq war.


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