Liveblogging the GOP presidential debate: Part III

Here comes the fun part: the values segment! Wheeee!

All the GOPers say that it would great if Roe vs. Wade was overturned. Including Mitt the faux moderate. Even Rudy would be okay with it. They really want those fundie votes, don't they? Now, Mitt is saying he "changed his mind" about abortion. Did he change his mind last year, perchance?

Conservative white dudes talking about abortion. Warms your heart, doesn't it? Doesn't Brownback sound soooooo sincere talking about how much he values life?

And meanwhile, Rudy is tripping over his own abortion position.

Is it just me, or is McCain really twitchy tonight?

No wonder they're trying to steer the debate back to international affairs and political vision. This social values stuff is really, really tricky for them.

Good ole Ron Paul. He's the only sincere candidate up there. Can't say I totally agree with this dude, but he's for real.

Thompson thinks employers should have the right to fire gay people. How nice. Fuckwad.

More empty-suit posturing from Mitt Romney. If this weren't a live event, I'd fast-forward through his segments. My brother, the Brookline, MA resident, said this guy was a total opportunist. My brother tends to be right about things.

Huckabee has a problem with anyone who says faith doesn't influence his point of view. And now it's his turn to get tangled in his opinions.

Earth to Brownback! Nobody's trying to drive faith out of the public square. You and the fundies already know this.

Why is Duncan Hunter running, anyway? This guy has the charisma of a yam. Why does Tweety keep asking Gilmore questions?

One good thing about Tancredo: at least he wouldn't hire Karl Rove.

BWAH! Rudy says that the increase of fundies in the GOP is a good thing and then he changes the subject.

Reagan this, Reagan that. You know guys, this isn't the 1980s anymore. Get with it.

Note to Brownback: It's not "Democrat" members. It's "Democratic" members. And when you're asked about GOP scandals, "Democrats do it tooooooo!" isn't a good response.

When will Tweety let Ron Paul speak, anyway?


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