Still not a happy camper

Okay, I do have one reason to be happy. I called my congresswoman--Carolyn Maloney--and was told that she plans to vote NO on the new Iraq bill. Senators Schumer and Clinton, meanwhile, are still undecided. I called their offices to urge a big, fat NO vote on the bill.

No timetable, no funding. Period.

Still...I wonder if there's a method to all this madness. The war is, as we all know, poorly funded as it is. If funds were cut off, Bush could try to pin future failures and deaths on the Democrats. I wonder if the Dems are somehow trying to cover their own asses here. Not justifying, just speculating.

Of course, the bill would only cover funding until September. Now, Dubya is saying that this summer will be critical regarding Situation FUBAR. (And other seasons or months weren't?) I've got an online compadre who's defended the Democrats, saying that we need a smart plan for getting out of Iraq, and continuing to lock horns with Bush when there just are not enough votes isn't a smart plan. I don't agree with this, though I can see her point.

I suspect that the only Dems who would possibly vote would be Blue Dogs, and I hope their constituents are giving them an earful. The bill deserves to go down in flames.


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