Nice to see some people are creative

Warning: This post is not, I repeat, NOT for the squeamish.

I've written before about the unmistakable slashy subtext of the Bush administration. Don't pretend you haven't noticed it. It's so blatantly obvious that there's even a site, Current Affairs filled, this is not a joke...slash fan fiction featuring British, American, and Australian politicians.

What can I say? There's slash fiction for everything else. It was just a matter of time before some people thought of combining slashfic and political commentary. And I guess some people got tired of Photoshopping Republicans' faces onto Brokeback Mountain movie posters.

Now, they are mining current events for fictional inspiration:

In light of the recent discussions about the U.S. attorneys that were recently fired, has anyone else been inspired by the idea that they served "at the pleasure of the president"?

Or, given Jon Stewart's comments on the Daily Show tonight, is it just too obvious of a joke?

It's too obvious. Really, seriously it is. There have to be other topics to write about.

In the meantime, I'm going to be in the corner, reading some nice Minesweeper fan fiction.


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