George Tenet and other people I don't feel sorry for

Le Sweetie and I listened to George Tenet as he tried to explain himself last night on 60 Minutes. He was angry, he was strident, he was disillusioned and felt betrayed by Bushco.

One can only imagine his silent rage as George Bush hung the Presidential Medal of Freedom around his neck. How ever did he resist take that medal and whack the Preznit over the head with it?

Moreover how did the interviewer, Scott Pelley, manage to sit through Tenet's blustering without rolling his eyes? Read the transcript and you will wonder the same thing.

Tenet can't explain explain why the CIA never told the FBI about two of the 9/11 hijackers. He can't offer a credible excuse for why he didn't go straight to the president when he knew a terrorist attack was imminent. He can, however, come up with a new, politically correct term for torture: "enhanced interrogation techniques."

No wonder his former colleagues are pissed. Tenet joins Colin "I'm soooo ashamed about that UN presentation" Powell and Lawrence "I took part in a hoax" Wilkerson among those who avoided speaking out when it could've really counted. These insiders and purported public servants kept quiet until they had resigned or had books to promote. All these years those nicey-nice, milquetoast, centrist Dems were slammed for their lack of political courage. But the Tenets, Wilkersons, and Powells were the true gutless wonders. They were the ones with power and influence which they refused to use. Thousands of Americans and Iraqis have paid the price for their inaction.

Update: Tenet's on Larry King, getting tangled in his words as he talks about torture--I mean, enhanced interrogation techniques.


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