The up side of global warming and other really nice things

Via Ang we find the global-warming answer to OTB. Question: if we all drown under waves of melted icecaps, who's going to collect the winnings?

Mahablog weighs in on the Duke case, the Kathy Sierra case, and the Don Imus case in one fell swoop, and does so eloquently.

Let me go off on a tangent here: I believe that in rape and sexual abuse cases, the names of the accused and the accuser should be withheld from the public. It's not just the Duke case, which was clearly full of holes from the start. I'm reminded of the Tawana Brawley fiasco, since I grew up just 30 miles north of Brawley's hometown. I remember when Al Sharpton and his cohorts, C. Vernon Mason and Alton Maddox, libeled a state prosecutor, accusing him of raping the girl. Of course, as a grand jury found, the rape never happened. The prosecutor sued Sharpton et al. for libel and won (he is now an assistant state attorney general). This man spent years trying to live down being called a rapist. He did not deserve this. I'm starting to think that rape cases could proceed more fairly and smoothly if the names of the accused were withheld, and I wonder if I'm the only one who feels this way.

Awwwwwwww, is Brian Williams mad about bloggers? Perhaps Vinny in the efficiency apartment up in the Bronx could do a better job than you. What do you think, Brian?

Governor Jon Corzine was injured in a car accident yesterday, and now Quaker Dave discovers that he wasn't wearing a seat belt. Dave has a message for the governor.

Dear Mr. Corzine: I voted for you. I support you. You haven't been perfect, but you have a very tough job here, getting the mess that is New Jersey on the road to being straightened out. So do us all a favor. As soon as you're well enough, get a crew together and do a PSA reminding people about how important it is to wear their seatbelts. Tell them what a knucklehead you were for not wearing yours. And then pay your fine.

And get well soon.

Meanwhile, it seems that the New Jersey governor's office is jinxed.

Well, the Beatles have wrapped up some royalty dispute. Come on, are we EVER going to have the Beatles catalog on iTunes? If they're not going to lower prices for Beatles CDs, the least they could do is make those songs available online. How long have these EMI/Apple talks been going, anyway? I'm going to start a running bet for which will be available first: Chinese Democracy or the Beatles online. (Hat tip to Avedon Carol for the Beatles item.)


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