Dem debate recap!

Of course, they just HAD to pre-empt Countdown with Keith Olbermann for the great Dem Q&A session last night. Before then, I had completely forgotten that so many people were running for president! And everyone came out a winner. Yes, each candidate, whether first- or second- or third-tier, deserves some sort form of recognition for his or her performance that night.

Most calculating candidate: La Hill. Man, she knows how to say all the right things in front of the cameras. Except one. Nobody's heard her say, "My vote for the war was a mistake." And nobody's heard her say, "Here's how we can exit Iraq."

Most atypical performance by a blabbermouth: Joe Biden. Yes, the politician who has single-handedly contributed the most to global warming with his hot air managed to keep his bloviating in check that night...more or less.

Most disappointing: John Edwards. C'mon, where's that inner fire? He could've been more forceful when talking about what he would've done if he were president on 9/11. When Brian Williams asked him who his moral leader was, there was a nice, long pause...that went on way too long before he mentioned God, his wife, and his dad. Uh, John? You have a mother, too, don't you?

Best responses to every. single. question. PERIOD. Barack Obama. Especially regarding the war.

Most ernest performance by a dark horse candidate: Dennis Kucinich. He carries a copy of the Constitution, guys! How many politicians still do that? And why can't any of his fellow Democratic candidates sign on to Dennis's "Impeach Cheney" campaign?

Biggest WHUH? Mike Gravel from Alaska. This guy's running and nobody heard about it until now. He's out of practice politically and it shows. What's he doing there, anyway?

Biggest block of wood: Bill Richardson. He's still right about genocide and Darfur, though.

Most obvious long-shot candidate: Chris Dodd. I'm sure he's a decent guy, but he's somewhere between Kucinich and Gravel on the list of most likely 2008 nominees.


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