It's settled: The GOP is one big cartoon
There's the Idiot-in-Charge, who's been compared to Alfred E. Neuman by La Hill and assorted fictional simians by just about everyone else. There's Cheney, whose demeanor and hunting antics suggest a dyspeptic Elmer Fudd. And now Mitt Romney, is talking about his adventures hunting "varmints" as he tries to win the gun lobby's support.
Varmints? Uh, right. Mitt, pretending to be Yosemite Sam isn't gonna work.

"Ah'm the hootenist, tootenist, shootenist gun-totin' gunslinger in the NRA. Okay, ya idgit galoot from Massy-choosits, let's see you with a gun! An' yuh better be quicker on th' draw than that idgit Cheney."
Varmints? Uh, right. Mitt, pretending to be Yosemite Sam isn't gonna work.
His comments in New Hampshire this week that he had been a hunter "pretty much all my life" drew scorn from critics after his staff said Wednesday that he had been on only two hunting trips - on his cousins' ranch in Idaho as a 15-year-old, and last year, when as a 58-year-old he hunted quail in Georgia with supporters of the Republican Governors Association.

"Ah'm the hootenist, tootenist, shootenist gun-totin' gunslinger in the NRA. Okay, ya idgit galoot from Massy-choosits, let's see you with a gun! An' yuh better be quicker on th' draw than that idgit Cheney."