The Catwoman of 2007?

Yes, this year, Hollywood has found yet another beloved character to mutate into something unrecognizable. And so, this August, they're bringing us a live action film version of Underdog. Instead of humble, lovable Shoeshine Boy, we have a lovable hound who gets superpowers in a lab accident. Instead of "Never fear, Underdog is here," we have "One Nature, Under Dog." Oh yeah, and Sweet Polly Purebread is a cocker spaniel, not a reporter. No, of course the idea has nothing to do with the cartoon. Yes, I loved the cartoon. Yes, I'll be looking forward to seeing other movies this summer.

Coming soon: the live-action Tennessee Tuxedo, starring a lovable penguin and walrus in a zoo. C'mon, you know some genius thinks this is a good idea.


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