New helpful online resources! And other fun news!

Via Bring It On, I've discovered a cool new online resource courtesy of WaPo. The Congress Votes Database compiles how our senators and congresscritters have voted on every issue since 1991.

Meanwhile, our attorney general, the Great Gonzo insists he has nothing to hide. He also says he's sorry about the honest mistakes that were made. Yeah, sure, dude. We believe ya.

Jeez, can ANYONE in the Bush administration, past or present, stay out of trouble? If it's not Gonzo, it's Paul Wolfowitz, now head of the world bank, who helped his girlfriend get a promotion. From Reuters:

Staff and development activists accuse Wolfowitz of breaking bank rules by helping to arrange a high-paying promotion for his girlfriend and bank employee Shaha Riza.

They argue the moral authority of the poverty-fighting institution has been left in tatters, especially its authority to make countries who receive aid accountable for the money, an issue that has been a priority for Wolfowitz, who has made combating corruption a top priority.

The former No. 2 official at the Pentagon has apologized for his handling of the Riza issue, saying he was advised by a World Bank ethics panel to assign her to a job outside the bank to avoid a conflict of interest.

A former Bush cabinet member fighting corruption is kind of like an arsonist becoming a volunteer firefighter, no?

Here's more in the "personal responsibility--whuzzat?" department: Wolfowitz's lady friend, Shaha Riza, says she's a victim. Why? Because she was forced to accept a promotion and a transfer. Uh huh. And who forced her to become romantically involved with Wolfie-kins? Really, at what point does a position with Team Dubya start to look seriously unappealing on one's resume? Blanton's and Ashton's weighs in.

Le Sweetie directs your truly to this list of the cheesiest commercial songs of all time. There are some very scary commercials there. Very scary.

Okay, this is just unconscionable. Now the FDA wants to downgrade CHOCOLATE? This is the last straw! The government's gutted the Constitution, Walter Reed, and the environment, and now they're targeting chocolate. Enough is enough!


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