Shoe blogging

I went shoe shopping yesterday. This is always so much fun. Except not really. First, I've got wide feet with high arches. For some weird reason, most shoe stores sell only medium width. Luckily for me, there are a couple of decent shoe stores--Nine West and Easy Spirit--that sell in wide. There used to be Parade of Shoes, but that store ceased to exist, having been assimilated by Payless of Borg.

I hate high heels. I never wear them. I tried when I was about seventeen. Ow ow OW! My poor toes! That's enough of heels for me. And I've seen too many women wobbling as they try to keep their balance wearing what look like nails attached to leather. (Whoops! Did I insult your precious Manolos? Sorry.)

Anyway, the shoe du jour is the Croc. I confess I've made a point of avoiding Crocs as much as I can. For one thing, they're the most unfortunate-looking shoes since Uggs. For a long time, they've been on my list of fashionable footwear that I won't touch with a ten-foot pole. However, I'm starting to reconsider. For one thing, they are supposed to be ridiculously comfortable. Comfortable is good. Hint to shoemakers--If your shoes are comfortable, people will want to buy them. That's why I love Easy Spirit. Speaking of which, I settled on a nice pair of Easy Spirit closed-toe sandals, which are sooooo comfortable. I now feel ready for summer.


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