Dwanollah's public service for teenage girls

Duran Duran-loving Dwanollah has written the ideal primer for today's girls: Twenty Things Every Girl Can Learn from Britney Spears. Yes, it seems the pop star-turned-trainwreck has a lot of lessons to teach those teenage girls who are now, no doubt, kicking themselves for buying her records back in 2000. ("I thought she was the prettiest pop princess ever. I was eight years old. Someone please KILL ME NOW!")

She’s not just America’s Sweet Pop Princess... or even America’s Former Sweet Pop Princess. Rather, she’s a shining, golden example to us all about what people, especially teenaged girls, need to learn as they grow to adulthood. Spend a little time looking at Britney’s life and choices, and suddenly, a whole lot of things become clearer, and pivotal life lessons – especially for young women – become more obvious. Like, smack-you-upside-the-head obvious.

Thought-provoking and recommended. Seriously.


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