Meanwhile, back on the Island of Misfit Republicans...

It seems that Tom DeLay (or, rather, one of his stand-ins) is suddenly interested in blogospheric civility. So much so that they're opening a discussion about it. In the meantime, a poll on Tommy Boy's blog finds that 78 percent of those surveyed think Nancy Pelosi's visit to Syria will increase terrorism. Whatta surprise. Meanwhile, Team DeLay is awfully quiet on the subject of Nick Lampson. Wonder why that is.

Oh yeah, and DeLay's book, I Retreated, Then Surrendered, is #2,600 on Amazon's list.

Newt Gingrich, meanwhile, thinks Gonzales should step down.

``I think the country, in fact, would be much better served to have a new team at the Justice Department, across the board,'' Gingrich said. ``I cannot imagine how he is going to be effective for the rest of this administration.... They're going to be involved in endless hearings.''

Nevertheless, Gingrich did praise Gonzales' fluency in English: "It's nice to see he doesn't speak the language of the ghetto." (Okay, I made that up.)

I remember that a year or two ago, Bill O'Reilly was seriously talking about retiring. Maybe he should do it. Day after day, he keeps finding new ways to embarass himself. I thought he'd jumped the shark when he appeared on Colbert. As it turns out, Bill-O was merely practicing with mechanical sharks. Now he has managed to make Geraldo Rivera look sympathetic. Geraldo. Rivera. Please tell me Faux News has a good retirement program. There has to be an incentive program to get O'Reilly to go away. Otherwise he'll do something really stupid--like run for political office. Once he does that, he'll become the four-car pile up of right-wing pundits. He'll be too painful and horrifying to watch.


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