Twentysomethings with talent!

I skipped Britney Spears' VMA debacle to handle more important matters--namely, the laundry. Following that, I watched my latest Netflix pick, The Lookout.

Sure, I read all the snarky commentary about the clueless, out-of-shape Spears and her crappy hair weave. I watched the online clip of the pop puppet wandering around the stage, occasionally stopping to gyrate and lip synch. But really, what did people expect? A dazzling return to the stage a la Tina Turner? A repeat of other VMAs, where Spears did "shocking" and "newsworthy" things like kiss Madonna and dance with snakes? Where have they been since 2004 anyway?

Enough of Britney Spears. Let's talk about The Lookout. It's an indie film that came out earlier this year, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt (aka Tommy from 3rd Rock from the Sun) as a brain-damaged former high school jock and Jeff Daniels (from The Squid and the Whale) as his blind roommate. The movie's about 60 percent character study and 40 percent film noir.

Gordon-Levitt is stunning. People know him only from his 3rd Rock will be in for surprise. As I popped the DVD in its return envelope, I felt the same way that I did about Forest Whitaker in 2006: namely, that this is an Oscar-caliber performance. Of course, because the movie a. is an indie and b. was released very early in 2007, a Best Actor Oscar nomination is a long shot. But it would be awesome to see Gordon-Levitt's name on the ballot.

Next on my Netflix list: Half Nelson, starring Britney's former Mickey Mouse Club co-star, Ryan Gosling, who received an Oscar nomination for his performance.


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