Miscellaneous mutterings

Maybe Larry Craig should run for president. Like most of the GOP 2008 slate, he's clearly adept at flip-flopping. Just days after announcing his resignation, he's said to be reconsidering.

This post on the current fad for pocket-sized, plug-ugly chihuahuas is over a year old, but it's recommended reading nonetheless. To wit: people who really love dogs don't shop at pet stores. Yes, I'm talking about you, Britney. And you, Katherine McPhee. And all the other morons who find nothing cuter than buying toy doggies at ritzy puppy-mill fronts.

As you probably already suspect, the puppy mill industry and puppy retailers are in cahoots. Sometimes, they are one and the same—vertically integrated, as it were. More often, a network of ambitious backyard breeders or faraway mill-style operation is behind the pristine storefronts on fashionable streets hawking pups at the rate of its other retailers` Gucci knockoffs.

Blue Gal on Ron Paul mania: "I haven't seen such freak fetish golden calf fixation since The Bay City Rollers were on Merv."

Sister Nancy Beth Eczema is trying to digitize her music collection. Given the scariness of so much Christian music cover art, who can blame her?

Meanwhile, I hate to disagree with Alicia, but Newt Gingrich has yet to overstay his welcome. As I've mentioned before, Newt in '08 looks to combine the best of Yosemite Mitt, Joe Biden, and John McCain in one hilarious-yet-scary package. Newt says he'll decide by next month. Next month, hurry up and come.

Wow, look what's for sale on eBay!


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