Stupid white people

Dear Fox News:

I don't watch your network; in fact, I'm mostly familiar with your programming via Crooks and Liars, Media Matters, and other outlets. That's how I found out about your latest "Obama is TEH TERRIST!!1!1!!" meme.

The dap is not, as you call it, "a terrorist fist jab." It's a common gesture of camaraderie and affection among African-Americans. Really, you probably want your party to avoid total bloodshed in November, and offending voters of color is not a good way to go about it.


The Truffle

P.S. While you're at it, could someone ask why Brian Williams has a problem with the dap? It's not an "inside gesture" if millions of black people are doing it. 'Kay?

(Via Balloon Juice.)


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