Mermaid Parade, 2008
Happily, 2007 was not the end of Coney Island's legendary Mermaid Parade. June 21 (the summer solstice, natch) brought the return of the parade in the face of Thor Equities' plan to replace Coney Island's amusement park rides, hot dog stands, and assorted games with glassy condo buildings. Sheesh, how many luxury condos does this city need, anyway? I really can't wait for Bloomberg to leave, because he's just continued the bland-ification of NYC. (Note the Amy Winehouse impersonator registering her protest.)
Here are more photos from the event. Now why would anyone want a bunch of boring old condos when you've got all this local color? (Note: at least one photo might count as NSFW. You've been warned.)
Mermaid Parade King and Queen Reverend Billy and Savitri D from the Church of Stop Shopping.
One of the first parade floats. There are generally lots of floats and brightly colored wigs at the Mermaid Parade. Also a lot of parasols. Lots and LOTS of parasols.