There's a solution to this troop shortage, you know

Following yesterday's post on those badly injured soldiers being sent back to Iraq, I'm going to join my fellow bloggers and offer a really constructive solution. The Yellow Elephants should enlist. There's just no excuse not to. If the preznit wants his surge, the Yellow Elephants should give it to him.

Chief among the Yellow Elephants being encouraged to enlist is Mark Noonan, founder of Blogs for Bush. Mr. Noonan claims that he tried to enlist after 9/11 but was told that he was too old. This could be genuine, or it could be similar to Tom DeLay's excuse that he wanted to go to 'Nam but a bunch of minorities beat him to it. (Drag the military and its affirmative action plan. Why wouldn't they take a butt-kickin', bug-killin' man's man like the Hammer?)

Thankfully, the powers that be have raised the age limit, so Mr. Noonan is now eligible. So why isn't he running to the nearest recruiting office? That's what a lot of people are wondering. Below is a picture of Mr. Noonan. Truly the image of a manly man.

Can't you see this guy in fatigues? What's he waiting for? Why is he farting around a keyboard writing a dumb partisan book that'll wind up in a remainder bin? (I mean, Caucus of Corruption? Could the pot call the kettle any blacker?)

But say, if Mr. Noonan is unable or unwilling to enlist, I would like to suggest another candidate: Mr. Noonan's co-author and fellow Blogger for Bush, Matt Margolis. Mr. Margolis is 26 years old and, judging from the picture below, looks healthy.

Indeed, in the push to encouage patriotic Americans like Noonan, we forget that the next generation of Bush cheerleaders have ample opportunities to demonstrate their patriotism. I should add that the infantry is not the only area that needs soldiers. The military are always looking for cooks, truck drivers, and medical staff. Thus, Yellow Elephants who are concerned about things like bloodshed and weapons and that scary stuff should realize that there are many ways they can serve their country. In the meantime, Noonan and Margolis' book is sure to make great compost for whoever buys it in bulk.


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