Random things I wonder about

Why do we have to wait until 2008 for the next season of Battlestar Galactica?

Why is Guns 'n' Roses still on Geffen when there's still no sign of this mythical Chinese Democracy album? Why do they keep throwing money at Axl? Why don't they just drop the schmuck?

In all the discussion regarding Anna Nicole, why hasn't anyone asked the most important question: What was this woman famous for?

Why did it take so long for New York City to start work on that Second Avenue subway line it's needed for, like, forever?

Why is Ed, Edd, and Eddy still on the air?

Why isn't The Powerpuff Girls still on the air?

Is that just me, or is a synth-pop version of "Come On Eileen" being used for VH1's Classic Rock channel?

Why would any sick fuck poison pet food?

Why does D.C. Comics keep revising continuity?

Why does Marvel Comics do a retcon on the Scarlet Witch?

Why has Rod Stewart put out an album of 1970s radio hits? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he a big rock star back then? And aren't most of his hits up to 1975 or so leagues above most of the stuff he sings here?

Where the fuck is Aretha Franklin? Why hasn't she put out any new music in years?

Am I the only one to notice that "All You Need Is Love" nicks the opening bar of the French national anthem? What did the French have to say about this?

Who told Karl Rove he should try rapping?


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