Gonzales getting the boot? Would be nice, right?

In response to GOP Scandal Number 845, a.k.a. Attorney-Gate, Senator Specter is sounding a rather ominous note about Abu Gonzales regarding those attorney firings. From WaPo:

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, suggested that Gonzales's status as the nation's leading law enforcement officer might not last through the remainder of President Bush's term, pointedly disputing the attorney general's public rationale for the mass firings.

"One day there will be a new attorney general, maybe sooner rather than later," Specter said at a committee hearing where a new round of subpoenas to the Justice Department was considered.

After the meeting, Specter declined to elaborate on that remark, but told reporters that most of the blame for the ongoing controversy rests with the attorney general. "It's snowballing, mostly with the help of the Department of Justice," he said.

Cue Beethoven's Fifth: "Duhm duhm duhm duuuuuhhhhm!"

(Via Laura Rozen.)


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