Maybe Rudy should give it up

Something tells me that maybe "America's mayor" (must...not...laugh) should rethink his presidential bid. It's bad enough that the fundies are calling his split from Donna Hanover "divorce on steroids" and he's not on speaking terms with his kids. Via Parenthetical Remarks comes news of a sharp response to Newsweek's cover story from Rudy's biographer.

In other news, the International Association of Firefighters is also unhappy with the guy. Unlike Rudy, the firefighters--and police officers--actually worked saving lives on 9/11. And they're not happy that Rudy cut back on crew searching for the remains of their fellow first responders. They feel that "America's mayor" had...other concerns.

The 280,000-member union accused him of carelessly expediting the cleanup process with a "scoop-and-dump" operation after the recovery of millions of dollars in gold, silver and other assets from the Bank of Nova Scotia (nyse: BNS - news - people ) that had been buried.

Yeowtch. If this is true, it's not good.

Meanwhile, Giuliani's ex-wife, Donna Hanover, has maintained dignified silence. She has married again, this time to her high school sweetheart, and written a book about it. Ellis Henican shows Ms. Hanover some love and pooh-poohs Rudy's sudden insistence on privacy.

The former mayor seems perfectly happy to publicize his family when it suits him. Plopping little Andrew front and center at the mayoral inauguration in 1994. Wet-kissing Judith Nathan in a recent pose for Harper's Bazaar.

But when things turned suddenly sour, privacy was the order of the day.

Ah well. I couldn't see Judith Nathan as first lady, anyway.


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