Another day, another crybaby conservative

Via Badtux we find Conrad Black, a rich conservative Canadian who is now facing trial in Chicago. Selecting an impartial jury is proving to be tough because it looks like a lot of potential jurors don't like super-rich people:

Regardless of what else happens in the Black saga, the jury-selection process has already provided an extraordinary window into the way regular Americans, randomly selected, view their elites - not as heroes but as thieves. As far as Black is concerned, this is all terribly unfair - he is being "thrown to the mobs" because of rage at the system and, unlike American billionaires, he doesn't "dress in corduroy trousers" or donate his fortune to Aids charities. Black's lawyers even argued (unsuccessfully) that their client could not get a fair trial because the average Chicagoan "does not reside in more than one residence, employ servants or a chauffeur, enjoy lavish furniture, or host expensive parties".

Say, I thought these righties believed in personal responsibility. Nice to see another right-wing talking point debunked repeatedly, ain't it?


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