The pay must suck if you're a professional wingnut

That is the only explanation for why upstanding, God-fearing conservatives (particularly male conservatives) turn to porn and prostitution to supplement their earnings. Even when they're manly men in uniform. How else do you explain Matt Sanchez, a.k.a. Rod Majors, a.k.a. Pierre LaBranche? Unlike Jeff Gannon, his comrade-in-arms (pun intended), Sanchez took the legal route, pursuing a career as a porn actor. A gay porn actor. A gay porn actor who starred in films like Donkey Dick.


Wait...aren't those DEMOCRATS?

And is it me, or is that a photo of Matt/Rod/Pierre next to Trash Can Ann on the linky-winky above?

Between the Libby verdict and now this, the week is shaping up to be great! Me, I haven't had this much fun since Dan Quayle was vice president.

(Via Scott EVill.)

Update: Whoops. I spoke too soon. Seems that Sanchez, in addition to porn, worked as a male escort, just like Gannon did. Meanwhile, Max Blumenthal dubs Sanchez, Coulter, and similar right-wing hypocrites Conflicted Conservatives in Crisis (CCC's). "CCC’s are aggressive toward groups they privately identify with, like sexual minorities or independent women, but they are simultaneously submissive to those who might otherwise persecute them," he writes. That's a nice way of saying that these guys all have issues over trying to be something they can never, ever be and all suffer from serious self-hatred.


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