Ann Coulter, Democratic fundraising mascot

Normally, Ann Coulter is so predictable and utterly nonsensical that she isn't worth a blog entry. Blathering in that weird upper-class hoity-toit voice of hers, she spouts the same variations on "LiBRulz R teh SUX0r!!1!1!" at the same lectures and on the same installments of "Hannity & Colmes." She's becoming quite boring, if you ask me...but not so boring that she can't be of some use to Democratic candidates.

She unwittingly volunteered for the job of DNC fundraiser when she called John Edwards a "faggot." Team Edwards didn't need No-Doz to stay awake during her ramblings. They decided to use her little outburst to raise campaign money. While Mitt Romney (who introduced her) is trying to distance himself from the twit, John Edwards' campaign crew is hoping to raise $100,000 in "Coulter Cash."

If the other candidates are smart, they'll follow Edwards' lead and use Coulter's outbursts to motivate future fundraising drives. Whenever she blabs about "B. Hussein Obama" (so his middle name's Hussein; what's your point, dimwit?), Senator Obama's campaign should pick up on this. Ditto Clinton, Dodd, and Richardson. (As for Joe Biden...well, he should just SHUT UP!) You know Coulter's going to make some comment on Richardson being a Latino. Richardson should recognize the "Coulter Cash" potential every time the woman opens her mouth.

And why limit themselves to Coulter? We could have Limbaugh Loot, Malkin Money, and Boortz Bucks. I seem to remember when Claire McCaskill thanked Limbaugh for her election victory, which helped tilt the Senate into the Democratic column. The Sierra Club, People for the American Way, the ACLU, the NAACP, and NARAL could come up with similar fundraising schemes. Coulter and her ilk could become the biggest asset the liberal movement has ever had.


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