Okay, maybe Rudy's divorce IS a problem

First, we learned that Rudy's estranged from his son. So estranged that the kid won't be campaigning for his dad. Now the evangelicals have reservations of their own.

Richard Land, head of public policy for the Southern Baptist Convention, told The Associated Press that evangelicals believe the former New York City mayor showed a lack of character during his divorce from his second wife, television personality Donna Hanover.

"I mean, this is divorce on steroids," Land said. "To publicly humiliate your wife in that way, and your children. That's rough. I think that's going to be an awfully hard sell, even if he weren't pro-choice and pro-gun control."

As a New York City resident, I remember the distinctively un-classy way Rudy handled his divorce from Donna Hanover, with his lawyer saying he'd make her "squeal like a stuck pig." And I knew that disgusting episode would come back to haunt the guy. And it has.

Land noted that Republican presidential candidate John McCain has been married twice, but said the Arizona senator has acknowledged his part in the failure of his first marriage.

"It's a molehill compared to Giuliani's mountain," Land said. "When you're a war hero [like McCain], you have less to prove on the character front."

Karma's a bitch, right, Rudy?


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