Here's to a long life and good health, President Bush

(The open letter below is inspired by Pissed Off Patricia's "virtual group intervention," for the preznit. Hope she doesn't mind me adapting some of my comments for here.)

Dear President Bush,

I hope you live a long, long time. You deserve it. I hope you manage to outlive even your vice president--and I don't mean "outlive him until 2008." I'm aware that you are obsessed with having a legacy. Don't worry, Mr. President. You will have a legacy. And I hope you live for another 40-50 years, just so you can see what that legacy is.

It's only 2007 and already people are comparing 2008 candidates. You know what that means? It means people are sick to death of you, Mr. President. They want your presidential term to be over. They want you GONE.

Already you're considered to be the worst president in America's history. Worse than Buchanan. Worse than Harding. You know how hard it is to be even worse than Warren G. Harding? Harding is the name Americans have generally thought of when they thought of presidents who never had any business running for office. Congratulations, President Bush. You managed to do something really, really hard for once and succeed at it.

People who remember Watergate--including John Dean--consider you and your cabinet to be even more criminal than Tricky Dick and company. Watergate used to be considered the nadir of U.S. national politics. Not anymore. Under your leadership, America has witnessed a stunning combination of snarling venality, pathological hatred of the best America offers, half-assed decision-making, bungled logic, disdain for reality, and mind-boggling, jaw-dropping incompetence.

Your presidency has been marked by the sort of evil, corruption, and sheer stupidity that would make rinky-dink dictators of Third World hellholes look like enlightened leaders. You took all that loyalty and goodwill that came after 9/11 and you abused America's trust. You abused her military resources.

Your "war on terror" was a lie. You never had any intention of fighting any war on terror. You just wanted to follow the whims of assorted neocon goons with more graduate degrees than intelligence. And you want your legacy based on a ruinous war. Well, Mr. President, you'll get your wish.

Rest assured, your successors will likely undo everything you've done in 8 years of government mismanagement--if they're smart. You will stand as an example of how not to run a country. You and the Republican Party of the early 21st century will be examples of how partisanship can come very, very close to destroying a country. Chances are, most of those paid administration shills, criminal hacks, neocon losers, brainless pundits, and sociopathic hate preachers will be forgotten by history. If they're lucky.

But you, President Bush? You and your cast of idiots will be remembered. Oh boy will you be remembered. And hopefully, you will live long enough to see your presidency put in its proper historical context when future generations talk about a president who fancied himself a despot and in the process came close to destroying the United States of America.

Here's to good health and a long life, Mr. President.


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