Having fun at Coulter's expense

The funniest thing about the fallout from Coulter's blathering is the hand-wringing and moaning that followed it from the right wing. Yes, the Reich Wing is shocked, shocked, that their favorite pundit would use a homophobic slur during a lecture. They were willing to let her get away with calling Middle Easterners "ragheads" at last year's CPAC gathering. And years before, they happily basked in her radioactive presence as she suggested that John Walker Lindh be killed "in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too."

But now, things have changed. The left wing is now--help!--laughing. At their favorite pinup. At a squirming Mitt Romney, who now has to denounce the same person he happily introduced to CPAC's eager audience. At dismayed right-wing bloggers, who're signing petitions telling CPAC not to invite Crazy Annie anymore. Because now the avatar of today's conservative movement has made herself a laughingstock--and that is why they want to distance themselves from her.

From The Nation:

So Ann Coulter called John Edwards a "faggot." All this proves is that the woman's gaydar is seriously on the fritz....

Ann Coulter couldn't find a homosexual at a Barbra Streisand concert, in San Francisco, on gay pride, if Elton John bitch slapped her in the face. I shudder to think what would become of her on Gay, Straight or Taken?

The article goes on to call Coulter a "village idiot" and suggests that Democrats not get "histrionic" over her ravings.

Keith Olbermann already had the right idea when he deigned to mention her last week:

She's one of the Global Warming Deniers, claims it's a plot by environmentalists to create a world "where they -- the beautiful, rich people -- live in their homes, and there are a few maids. Well-tempered maids will come in and take care of them..."

Maids, huh? Hey, Ann... you found your calling!

And meanwhile, Team Edwards has turned Trash Can Ann into their new fundraising mascot. Amidst all the debate over how to handle a whacked out sociopath like this ridiculous creature, people have ignored the most effective one: laugh in her face.

Coulter is a creature of the right-wing machine: a Scaife-funded stooge who parlayed a fondness of lame insult humor into a gimmick that made her a darling of the right wing. So when they shake their heads and roll their eyes, remember these guys were the same ones who'd sit back and chuckle as she babbled about killing "ragheads," liberals, journalists, and liberal "raghead" journalists. They made her, and now they're stuck with her.

And now she's finally overreached and opened herself--and the movement--to ridicule. She's in the same boat as Rush Limbaugh, who unwittingly helped Claire McCaskill win a Senate seat. She's the gift that keeps on giving for the reality-based community.

That's why conservatives so badly want to distance themselves from her. Because when we laugh at Ann Coulter, we are, by extension, laughing at them.


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