The neocons meet the Martians

"Oh look. Those puny neocon Earthlings are planning World War III in the Middle East. Guess I won't need that Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator after all." Via Daily Kos , we find Charles Krauthammer , who (naturally) thinks leaving Situation FUBAR is a bad idea. In the first three paragraphs, he dismisses the Democratic claims that Afghanistan is where the war on terror should be fought. You remember Afghanistan? The place where Osama and his goon squad were hiding out amidst a motley assortment of religious fundie freaks? "Of all the arguments for pulling out of Iraq, the greater importance of Afghanistan is the least serious," Krauthammer says. In truth, he insists, Afghanistan is not as important as Situation FUBAR. Yeah, I responded to that with a big "Whuh?" too. It would all be just another pile of wrongheaded neocon slop if Krauthammer didn't start channeling the Weekly World News : Thought experiment: Bring in a completely ...