Crybaby conservative alert!

Last month, things looked great for Joe Bruno as the Eliot Mess began to unfold. Now, it's Bruno's turn to be embarrassed.

Somebody has made a nasty, threatening phone call to Governor Spitzer's dad. The message (via Gothamist) is as follows:

This is a message for Bernard Spitzer. You will be subpoenaed to testify in front of the Senate committee on investigation on your shady campaign loans. You will be compelled by the Senate sergeant at arms, if you resist, you will be arrested and brought to Albany - and there's not a goddamn thing your phony, psycho piece of s--- son can do about it. Bernie, your phony loans are about to catch up with you. You will be forced to tell the truth. The fact that your son is a pathological liar will be known to all.

The call was traced the apartment of GOP consultant Roger Stone. Not only has Stone denied making the call, but but he says he's the victim of a conspiracy.

Stone suggested that a "voice tape" may have been concocted by the governor's "minions" to frame him.

He did not deny the call was placed from his apartment, but offered an alternative theory: His building is owned by Democratic fund-raiser Dale Hemmerdinger, whom Spitzer has nominated to be the next MTA chairman, and Hemmerdinger's management company, ATCO, has pass keys that could have let in an intruder.

Bruno has since fired Stone, and Stone continues to insist that he's the victim of dirty tricks.

The same Spitzer operatives who were caught red-handed trying to set Senator Bruno up are now trying to set me up because they have deemed that I have been an effective advisor to Senator Bruno and the Republican Senate Campaign Committee.

Sounds like one of those party-of-personal-responsibility types, doesn't he?

You know, hopefully, Team Spitzer will never find out about Stone's swinging ways. On the bright side, at least he wasn't moonlighting as a porn actor. I mean dig this photo of him and his wife. YIKES!


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