Uh-oh! Guess which wingnut hearts France?

Hint: his first name rhymes with "loot." Quick, someone do something about this America hater!

Newt Gingrich has seen the future of the Republican Party, and it is in France.

The former House speaker and leader of the Republicans' 1994 "Contract with America" has been hitting the talk show and Internet circuit with this message: Republicans will retain the White House in 2008 only if they copy conservative Nicolas Sarkozy's victory strategy in France — circumventing the traditional media, running as agents of bold change and cornering Democrats as protectors of the status quo.

Sigh. Someone give the Newtster a calendar. Hint: it's not 1994, and America got about 12 or so years of the Republicans' "bold change." Your party is now the protector of the status quo, Newt. You had your chance and you blew it. People have been listening to the GOP candidates' positions on assorted issues. Ron Paul notwithstanding, the vast majority offer some variation on "same old shit, different day."

I mean, I remember the first GOP debate. It can be summed up thusly:

Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Mitt changed his mind.
Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan tired talking points.
Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan what's Gillmore doing here?
Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan more tired talking points.
Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Ron Paul on FIRE!
Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan McCain looking hapless.
Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan George Bush? Who's that?
Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Mitt trying to please.
Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan more of the same--YAWN...
Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan this is just sad...

If Newt thinks he can reframe the Dems as "protectors of the status quo," then he's obviously proven how out of touch he really is.

Speaking of out of touch, Newt chastised Muslims for not speaking out on terrorism.

Um...Newt? After 9/11, Islamic organizations and prominent Muslims almost universally condemned the attacks. In more recent years, Muslims have condemned other terrorist as well. See statements like this and this as examples. If Newt is so confident in new media, why doesn't he just go to Google and type in "Muslims" and "condemnation"?

Man, I so want this guy to run in 2008.


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