American's favorite fundraising mascot continues

Note to Xavier University: Thank you for booking Ann Coulter. Campus progressives at Xavier will love you for it. Don't believe me? Guess what People for the American Way sent me?

On September 6, Ann Coulter will be speaking at Xavier University in Ohio. You can help turn her hatemongering against her, and the rest of the Far Right. Here's how.

People For is teaming up with state groups like ProgressOhio and Equality Ohio to raise support for the progressive student groups at Xavier that fight for the American values -- equality, diversity, social justice -- Coulter routinely attacks. Since Coulter's speaking fee of $20,000+ equals about $5 per Xavier student, we are asking progressives to chip in $5 to support groups like Xavier's Gay-Straight Alliance, Amnesty International, Habitat for Humanity and Earthcare.

As Ann Coulter is speaking, People For, our Ohio partners, fellows from our affiliate People For the American Way Foundation's Young People For program and other progressive students and activists will participate in a rally on Xavier's campus, where we will counter Coulter's divisive message and present a check to Xavier's progressive student groups for the total amount raised by all the participating groups...

When you donate, you can write a little note to Ms. Coulter that we'll see gets sent her way.

It's not quite up there with the time Democracy for America sent rubber chickens to Tom DeLay, but it's still amusing.

An ideal note would be this:

Dear Ms. Coulter:

We've collected so much money in donations thanks to your efforts that we can't thank you enough. Please, keep it up, Ms. Coulter! You're the gift that keeps on giving!


Howard Dean.


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