What happens when a right-wing doofus can't recognize satire?

Well, he might read a story in The Onion about a lady named Caroline Weber and how thrilled she is to be getting an abortion. And he just might blow a gasket.

He might then respond with a strident, rather humorless post. Something along the lines of:
Miss Weber, you have killed your child, which you admit is a baby/human being, intentionally. That does make you an admitted murderer. I'm not going to "condemn you to hell", I'm going to pray for your forgiveness and for the suffering which you will endure when you realize what you have done. Every baby you see from that moment on is going to wake you up to the realization that you killed your child.

Needless to say, he might then get a flood of comments, all seeking to educate him as to the facts: namely, that the article was a humorous piece in a paper that specializes in humor, that Caroline "Yippee, I'm Having an Abortion!" Weber does not in fact exist.

Confronted with these undeniable facts, he would then have two choices: either own up to his mistake, uttering "Sorry, my bad," or go on the defensive. As it turns out, our right-winger took the latter option:
Needless to say, a few people wanted to let me know that I was a dolt for thinking that her article was real. As a matter of fact, call me a dolt, because in the beginning I really did think it was real. Why? because I meet women like her in the field all the time. Anyway, I wrote the blog in a way that was meant to point out how psychotic the pro-abortion movement is.

Which is beside the point, of course, as it is common knowledge that The Onion is a satirical paper. If our right-winger had read the rest of the publication, he may have figured this out.

But he couldn't stomach the fact that he might have goofed, so instead he became angry and defensive, griping about all the mean people who responded to him. He has also chosen not to allow any more comments on his blog.

Of course, you can still read the comments and post your own responses via Haloscan. Just go here.

Oh dear. It seems The Huffington Post has picked up on this latest blogospheric knee-slapper. Congratulations, Pete--you are now an internet celebrity! In case you're annoyed by the attention, relax. Your fame should only last about 15 minutes or so.


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