This is gonna be a loooooooong week...

There's another heat wave rolling toward the northeastern US. Why should California and the midwest have all the fun? Surely NYC is up for a few more days of 100-degree weather. Right?

Man, am I nervous about the coming week. Especially with Kevin "Denial Ain't a River in Egypt" Burke as the man ultimately responsible for this city's power grid. Note this little nugget of comedy gold:

Burke says despite the failure of 10 out of 22 feeder cables in northwest Queens, the area's power network has a better performance record than others around the city.

"Despite the failure of 10 out of 22 feeder cables." BWAH!

The NY Daily News weighs in on the matter, faulting the Public Service Commission along with Con Ed. It points to a report by attorney general Eliot Spitzer that Con Ed's feeder cables have had a tendency to fail; seven cables went down in 1999. Spitzer has said that if elected governor, he'd whip the Public Service Commission into shape, and he'd have the authority to do so. Bloomie notwithstanding, New York politicians are hopping mad at Con Ed.


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