Snif snif...I'm almost moved to tears

Herman B. Hayes of Conservatives for American Values offers some words of comfort regarding Ken Lay's passing.
Most people don’t know that Ken “Retirement is for Losers” Lay was a leader in the fight against obesity in the elderly. By keeping so many ex Enron employees from collecting pensions, Ken Lay was doing them a huge favor. Old people with money have a tendency to get lazy, and getting lazy makes old people fat. Everyone knows that if you are fat and lazy, God will kill you with a huge heart attack. I do not know how our Good Lord chose to take Ken “Not Like Fred Sanford” Lay, but I doubt it was a heart attack. I cannot bring myself to watch the liberal media tear this great man apart, and I am not sure that I need to know how he died.

Makes me regret my earlier snark regarding Kenny Boy. I'm such a mean socialist sometimes.


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