Crybaby Conservative Alert! (And other stuff, too)

Apparently, the Young America Foundation refused to issue press credentials to a reporter from and said they'd also deny credentials to The Nation and Alternet. Here's the whole story. What's YAF afraid of, anyway?

It's all over again deja vu as the American people decide the GOP has overstayed its welcome. And just twelve years after that great GOP sweep. That long-term Republican majority didn't last long, did it?

This is just stomach-wrenching. Even the tabloids think it's repulsive. (Via Debsweb)

What can I say about the Israel/Lebanon/Hamas/Hizbollah conflict that hasn't been said before? It's really making me nervous. Best case scenario? It's one of those Israeli/Arab conflicts that doesn't last longer than a few days. Worst case scenario? Don't ask.


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