A fitting song for our times...

No one is united
All things are untied
Perhaps we're boiling over inside
They've been telling lies

Who's been telling lies?
There are no angels
There are devils in many ways
Take it like a man

The world's a mess it's in my kiss
The world's a mess it's in my kiss

You can take it back
Pull it out of the fire
Pull it out
In the bottom of the night
Pull it out
Chords of red-disease
Drag on the system
Drag on my head and body
There are some facts here
That refuse to escape
I could say it stronger
But it's too much trouble
I was wondering down at the bricks
Hectic, isn't it?
Down we go
Cradle and all

From "The World's a Mess (It's in My Kiss)". Words and music by John Doe and Exene Cervenka. Recorded by X.

Mind you, X guitarist Billy Zoom has since become a born-again Limbaugh listener (sigh), but it's still a great--and very appropriate--song for the beginning of the twenty-first century. Even if it was recorded in 1980.


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