Oh, this is gonna make the Texas GOP real happy

Even though Tom DeLay's not running for re-election, it seems the Republicans are stuck with him. As you may recall, the little weasel won the Republican primary but dropped out of the race a month later. This prompted Democracy for America to send him a bunch of farewell cards and rubber chickens. Well, a judge has ruled that he can't get off the ballot. The Texas GOP can't replace him. He's the Republican candidate whether he likes it or not. Even though he may be wearing a prison jumpsuit before the next election cycle.

His opponent, Nick Lampson, has got to be dancing on air right now. As one unfortunate DeLay constituent puts it:

In a charming and delightful twist of fate, Republicans must now "Judge Shop" for an "Activist Judge" to get their way. I mean, even Republicans will have to admit that's funny.


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