Why why WHY?

This morning, I turned on the TV, and both MTV and VH1 were playing the same Nickelback song at the same time. It's that godawful new song about wanting to be a rock star, and it consists of a bunch of random people all mouthing the words to the song (with a few actual rock stars like Kid Rock deigning to appear). This is not the first time both channels have played this video at the same time.

The question is: WHY? Can't they play more of that fun Feist video, "1234"? It's a good song and a really colorful yet simple video. It's featured in a bunch of iPod commercials. If iPod starts using Nickelback in its ads, I'm going to take my iPod and throw it out the window, I swear.

Anyway, I went to Borders to get the new Feist album and it appears to be sold out. Sigh.


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