It's Crybaby Conservative Week!

Michelle Malkin has replied to Ezra Klein's debate challenge with squirming and nervous laughter, as the wingnuts' anti-Frost family crusade has been utterly discredited. Ms. Malkin really needs to let go of her obsession. She's hurting her movement by exposing its hypocrisy and general unpleasantness. If this keeps up, they'll start to distance themselves and disavow any association with her. Just like the wingnuts who were shocked--SHOCKED!!!!--that Ann Coulter called John Edwards a faggot. I'm sure that would hurt her feelings and make her cry.

But wait. It's gotten worse. Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize. All that's missing is mass suicide in the Fox News building. A sampling of snit fits.

Chris Smith of Bexley, Ohio
Al Gore? Nobel Peace Prize? Wow, that really degrades my image of that prize. Why not give it to Michael Moore while we're at it? How sad.

Mr. Smith is clearly at a loss for words. Isn't he also supposed to mention Cindy Sheehan, Jimmy Carter, and Howard Dean?

Mark McCord of New Richmond, Wisconsin
This just means the Nobel Peace Prize no longer stands for peace, it stands for propaganda, fear and political agendas.

Note to Mr. McCord: You've confused your 2000 candidates. Bush didn't win the prize. Gore did.

Ryan Kiblinger of Temple, Texas
My heart just broke today. The Nobel Prize went to an individual who consumes many times more than the average person in the world, and more than the average person in the first world. Yet he wins an award for his propaganda with regards to global warming. Al Gore has no scientific expertise for his film and congressional testimony. He is a mere puppet and speculator. The Nobel Peace Prize has lost all credibility today, and for that my heart breaks.

Man, and I thought baseball fans were overemotional.

Finally, there's this thigh-slapper:

Mary Knight of Novato, California
I strongly feel that Mr. Al Gore's nomination and ultimate win was purely political. Before Mr. Gore or Mr. Jimmy Carter, people like Mother Theresa and Princess Diana should receive an award as prestigious as The Nobel Peace Prize once was. I feel that the Nobel Peace Prize has become an insignificant popularity contest. What a sham, what a shame.

Note to Ms. Knight: Mother Theresa did in fact, receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. However, she and Princess Diana are currently ineligible for the prize, having been dead for about ten years.

Look on the bright side, guys. If Li'l Ricky Santorum ever gets around to his dream of becoming a right-wing Michael Moore, maybe he'll win an Oscar.


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