Tag! I'm it!

I've been tagged by Deb at Debsweb, so I'm diving in here:

Things I'd like to do before I die:

1. Visit Scandinavia
2. Learn to play guitar
3. Drive a car again (I have a license but haven't driven a car in years)

Things I cannot do:

1. Wait on line for long periods of time
2. Write ampersands
3. Do the butterfly stroke

Things I can do:

1. Ride a bike
2. Read things upside down
3. Take naps on craped airplanes (Le Sweetie can attest to that)

Things that attracted me to my significant other:

Too many to mention! Well to start with...
1. He presented me with flowers on our first date
2. He was cool and interesting
3. He had a great sense of humor
4. His taste in music rawked
5. He was just as attracted to me.

Wow...shall I go on? :D

Things I like to say:

1. Hi Sweetie!
2. Meow!
3. Well, y'know...

Books I like best:

SF/fantasy, mysteries, current events, history

Movies I like to see:

1. Airplane!
2. Spirited Away
3. The Star Wars Trilogy

Next on the tag list:
Parenthetical Remarks and Left Wing Nutjob! Take it away, kids!


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