Britney Spears: America's running gag sweetheart

And now she's even the inspiration for Law and Order's season premiere. Plot details are as follows:
In the show, the couple, J-Train (Wayne Wilcox) and Sky Sweet (Barbara King), bear several similarities to K-Fed and Spears, both in terms of storyline and physical appearance.

Hopefully, that's where the parallels stop.

In the episode titled "Fame," J-Train becomes the prime suspect in the murder of an NYPD detective and gets arrested when the killing is connected to incriminating photos of his paparazzi-hounded starlet wife (she's snapped dropping the baby in Central Park and then leaving the kid alone in a car while she runs into a coffee shop, per the New York Post), forcing the oversaturated couple even further into the media spotlight.

The producers say it's fiction, and maybe it is. After all, Britney hasn't been photographed actually dropping her baby (though that skull fracture he sustained in April is suspicious, as is the fact that his parents waited a week before taking him to the hospital). And no, she hasn't left him in the car to make a coffee run. Yet.

And hopefully we won't be subjected to any of, erm, J-Train's rapping. The real thing is scary enough.


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