Condom couture

Too bad Fashion Week's come and gone...because some designer could've done something interesting with this.

"There's a great need to de-stigmatize condoms around the world, especially in Africa," said Franck DeRose, executive director of The Condom Project, which aims to get people comfortable about condoms, especially those living in countries where the little piece of latex is considered taboo....

DeRose said that creating wearable art out of condoms attracts people who normally wouldn't wear the prophylactics, let alone touch them or even utter the word.

Looks like Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes was about 15 years ahead of her time with her manhood-covering-as-monocle fashion statement. But this sort of begs a question--what kinds of condoms are they using? Trojans, perhaps? Do the condoms have lubricants or no? And, finally, not use the condoms to make, say, loincloths or jock straps?


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